Our team of specialists in health data standardization brings to healthcare organizations and professionals and to their software providers the support and tools enabling them to map their local data to reference terminologies and recommended semantic reference sets at the international, European and French levels.



CEO and Founder

CEO and Founder, Doctor in hospital and community pharmacy, holder of a master’s degree in biomedical informatics. Specialist in semantic interoperability care workflows involving health products. Anne is President of the Interop’Santé association, which represents France within HL7 International and IHE International. She is an active member of the health commission of the NUMEUM union of health digital service companies.

François MACARY

François MACARY

Semantic Interoperability Expert

International expert engineer in semantic interoperability of the health sector. Contributor to international terminologies LOINC et SNOMED CT (Authoring Level 2 certified). Contributor and leader of working groups in the organizations IHE International, HL7 International, SNOMED International and Interop’Santé

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